Tecnology in this modern world .

Project work 

In this modern age technology is the way of life.


is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human environment.
The most is robotics.


Robotics is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture and operation of robots. The objective of the robotics field is to create intelligent machines that can assist humans in a variety of ways. Robotics can take on a number of forms.


A robot is a machine—especially one programmable by a computer—capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically.
                    A robot can be guided by an external control device, or the control may be embedded within. Robots may be constructed to evoke human form, but most robots are task-performing machines, designed with an emphasis on stark functionality, rather than expressive aesthetics.

Types of robot :- 

1 .Industrial robot .
An industrial robot is a robot system used for manufacturing. Industrial robots are automated, programmable and capable of movement on three or more axe.

2. Humanoid robot

A humanoid robot is a robot resembling the human body in shape. 
                   The design may be for functional purposes, such as interacting with human tools and environments, for experimental purposes, such as the study of bipedal locomotion, or for other purposes.

          In general, humanoid robots have a torso, a head, two arms, and two legs, though some humanoid robots may replicate only part of the body, for example, from the waist up. 

   Some humanoid robots also have heads designed to replicate human facial features such as eyes and mouths. Androids are humanoid robots built to aesthetically resemble human.

A collaborative robot .


A cobot, or collaborative robot, is a robot intended for direct human robot interaction within a shared space, or where humans and robots are in close proximity. 

                        Cobot applications contrast with traditional industrial robot applications in which robots are isolated from human contact.[1] Cobot safety may rely on lightweight construction materials, rounded edges, and inherent limitation of speed and force, or on sensors and software that ensure safe behavior. 


Nanoid robotics, or for short, nanorobotics or nanobotics, is an emerging technology field creating machines or robots whose components are at or near the scale of a nanometer (10−9 meters)

Discoverer of  robots

The first robot was descovered by :-

  Gorge C. Devol .

The earliest robots as we know them were created in the early 1950s by George C.Devol, an inventor from Louisville, Kentucky. 

              He invented and patented a reprogrammable manipulator called "Unimate," from "Universal Automation." For the next decade, he attempted to sell his product in the industry, but did not succeed.

Advantages of robotic science :-

7 Advantages of Robots in the Workplace

1 .safety , safety is the most obvious advantage of utilizing robotics. ...

2.speed ,Robots don't get distracted or need to take breaks. ...

3. Consistency ,Robots never need to divide their attention between a multitude of things. ...
4. Perfection. ...

5 .Happier Employees. ...

6. Job Creation. ...


Disadvantages of robotic science 

1.They Lead Humans to Lose Their Jobs. ...

2.They Need Constant Power. ...

3. They're Restricted to their Programming. ...

4.The Perform Relatively Few Tasks. ...

5.They Have No Emotions. ...

6 .They Impacts Human Interaction. ...

7 .They Require Expertise to Set Them Up. ...

8 .They're Expensive to Install and Run.

Science and technology or technological science 🧪🧪🧪🔭

The technological sciences have at least six defining characteristics that distinguish them from the other sciences. They
 (1) have human-made rather than natural objects as their (ultimate) study objects, 
(2) include the practice of engineering design, 
(3) define their study objects in functional terms,
 (4) evaluate these study objects with category-specified value statements, 
(5) employ less far-reaching idealizations than the natural sciences, and 
(6) do not need an exact mathematical solution when a sufficiently close approximation is available. 
         In combination, the six characteristics are sufficient to show that the technological sciences are neither branches nor applications of the natural sciences,   

but form a different group of sciences with specific characteristics of their own.

Science and technology is an interdisciplinary topic encompassing science, technology, and their interactions:

Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of explanations and predictions about nature and the universe. It is the study of nature and behaviour of the physical and natural world through the scientific method. 
            It is also defined as the observation, identification, description, experimental, investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena.
Technology is the collection of techniques and processes used in the production of goods or services or the accomplishment of objectives such as scientific investigation

                 . It includes methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes.

Together, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics comprise the STEM fields.

Tecnology can make us lead a perfect life and make a divine

          but we can make tecnology to make our life hell.

So be alert of the technology you are using .

Thank you......... 🧪🧪🔭🧪🧪🔭🧪🔭🧪
